Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Finds

1. This blog is a recent favorite. The dry humor and sarcasm really speaks to me.
2. Has anyone else tried arm knitting before? The tutorial is the best I've found.
3. Jen Yates, the author of Cake Wrecks, has another blog, Epbot.
4. I really want to try this hairstyle. I think it is absolutely gorgeous.
5. Like almost everyone else, I am in love with Game of Thrones. This photographer incorporated it into a wedding photo shoot flawlessly.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The thing that gets to me.

Have you even had to deal with someone who was nice to your face, then talked bad about you behind your back? Unfortunately, this is what I am dealing with at my cadet program. I volunteer with an air cadet squadron where my darling husband is an officer. A lieutenant to be exact. This person is another volunteer, the mother of two of the kids. She is sweet to my face, then complains about me to our commanding officer, saying that it is inappropriate for us to be there, since we are together and bring Boo with us, and she wants us to leave. I haven't let this bother me because she is entitled to her own opinion. Unless our C.O tells me to leave, I'm staying there for the kids. However, she has recently taken it upon herself to bully one of the kids. This I can't stand for. A 45 year old woman is bullying a 15 year old teenage boy. He dated her daughter for a while, and then the mother decided she didn't like him, so she started encroaching on his life. She forbade her daughter to see him, and told his friend's mothers that they shouldn't let their children hang around him anymore either. She watches him like a hawk at cadets, and interrupts when someone tries to talk to him. She even got a job at his school in the cafeteria so she can make sure her beloved daughter isn't seen with him. All because he mentioned to her that some of the cadets find her mean and unapproachable. The poor guy can't even go to school anymore because he is so stressed out. He's stopped eating, and is physically sick from all the bullying. How can someone do this to someone else, especially to an underage teenager?  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mission Mondays

I've been walking every day with Baby A. When it's nice outside, I'll walk with him in his baby carrier, and if it's raining, we will go to Costco or Walmart.

I also created a budget for the next few months, to be re-evaluated in February. Hopefully this will help us get my darling husband's debt down quite a bit. He is having knee surgery in March, and will be off work for about two months. By creating this budget, it will help me reach quite a few of my goals.

We have decided to cut out take-out until after Christmas. I still have 10 lbs of my baby weight to lose, and my darling husband has 20 lbs of his sympathy weight to lose as well.

Feta and Spinach Chicken

This recipe was such a hit. I paired it with fingerling roasted potatoes and Greek salad.

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 
  2. Slice a pocket in two chicken breasts. Stuff with spinach, and a big piece of feta cheese. I also added asparagus to mine. 
  3. Roll and pin with two toothpicks. Rub chicken with Cajun seasoning. 
  4. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until 165 degrees F on a meat thermometer. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

The 5 things I've learned since giving birth 8 weeks ago.

My little one was 8 weeks old yesterday. Where in the world did the time go? Before I had him, I had read every book, article and blog that I could get my hands on. I was so certain on how I wanted to raise him. There would be no doubt about it, I had this whole mothering thing down.

It turns out my new human had something different in mind. I had forgotten that being a parent was a partnership between us and our baby. His needs and wants ultimately win out over our plans.

Here are 5 things I've learned in the 8 weeks since I've given birth:

1. Breastfeeding can be difficult.
For me, breastfeeding was a dream. He had no latch issues, and my supply was more than ample. He gained almost 11oz. each week. For the lady next to me at the hospital, however, this was not that case. Her poor little one had a hard time getting latched, and once she finally did get on the boob, she was so congested that she couldn't drink and breathe at the same time. I can't imagine not being able to feed my child from my own body, but for most moms, problems are normal.

2. Pacifiers aren't as bad as I thought.
I was entirely anti-pacifier when I was pregnant. I didn't want my baby to get attached to his "Nummy" and have it hell trying to wean him off. I dreaded the "nipple confusion" that would happen if I gave him anything other than my own breast. Baby A just likes to suck for comfort sometimes. When it happens while I'm driving, or out in public, it isn't always possible for me to give him my boob to suck on. I'll try distracting him first, but sometimes he just wants to suck on something. Thankfully, he isn't fussy on his pacifier. He could take it or leave it most of the time. He doesn't keep it in his mouth long, but it's just long enough for him to be satisfied.

3. I turned into an accidental co-sleeper.
I will do anything to help him sleep, because it allows me to sleep. After two hours of trying to lay him down in his bassinet, I will usually breastfeed him in bed laying down. If I fall asleep, it's not a big deal because I don't move when I sleep, and I put a pillow on the other side of him. My darling husband rolls frequently in his sleep, so he gets pushed to one side of the bed, and I lay in the center. I find Baby A will sleep much longer in bed with me than he does in his own bassinet.

4. I felt like a milk machine the first few weeks.
I foolishly thought I would come home from the hospital, and be on a perfect schedule. He would sleep in his bassinet and wake me only when he was hungry, three hours later. He had other ideas. During the day, it took him an hour to eat, and he was hungry an hour or two later. Nighttime, he didn't want to sleep unless he was attached to my breast. I felt as if I was feeding him all the time, because I was. My mom pushed me to give him some formula to keep his stomach fuller for longer, but I resisted. Now we have a much better breastfeeding schedule. He still feeds on demand, but he is much quicker at it, and can go a few hours without a feeding.

5. Everyday I become more in-tune with who he is.
He loves country music, Dr. Seuss, and being up in my arms while I dance around. He isn't fussy on his pacifier, or having tummy time. He is extremely content being bathed, and he enjoys sitting in his bouncy chair while I cook supper. His favorite songs are "Rock me, Momma" and "This little light of mine". He continues to grow and discover every day. His smile can brighten my day when I'm having a tough time.

I will admit, although I look forward to his growing, learning to walk, talk, and play, I wish he could stay as small as he is. One day, I'll turn around and he will no longer fit in my arms. This is why I write this as he sleeps on my shoulder. I'm going to enjoy every moment with him, even if it did take me two hours to get him to sleep. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Maple Glazed Salmon


  1. In a small bowl, mix 1/4cup maple syrup, 1/4cup soy sauce, 4tbsp honey mustard, one tbsp regular mustard and pepper.
  2. Place salmon in a glass baking dish, and coat with the maple syrup mixture. Cover the dish, and marinate salmon in the refrigerator 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
  4. Place the baking dish in the oven, and bake salmon uncovered 20 minutes, or until it reaches 145 degrees F with a meat thermometer. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mission Mondays

Before I had Baby A, I started a list of 101 in 1001. The premise behind it, is to complete 101 tasks in 1001 days. Many people have created lists in the past, frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. I have started lists such as this one in the past, but because of unrealistic goals, and changing lifestyles, the list never got completed. Here is my list. Hopefully, each Monday I will have something either started or completed. With new mommyhood though, anything can happen.